We Are Learning Our ABCs – of Socialism
In DSA we believe that to be effective, we must combine action with reflection – theory as well as practice. To help new members understand democratic socialism and to refresh long-term members’ thinking about our values and analysis, the Education working group, headed by Ray Miklethun, launched a 5-week study group based on Jacobin magazine’s booklet “The ABCs of Socialism,” an anthology of short articles including several by DSA members. About 40 people signed up, too many to fit in one room, so the introductory session broke into two groups: one led by Minnie Ruffin (foreground, left) is shown here (photo by Reid Freeman Jenkins). We shared our very diverse stories of how we became politically active and what socialism means to us. Next week: Discussion based on reading assignments. To join: miklethun@gmail.com.