Black Lives Matter in Decatur

The Alliance for Black Lives and the Georgia Alliance for Social Justice joined forces to organize a Black Lives Matter rally and march dedicated to Anthony Hill, a young Black man and veteran who was killed by a police officer three years ago, whose killer was to start pre-trial procedures this Monday in the nearby Dekalb County Courthouse. The day before, we found out the start of the trial has been postponed to Monday, May 21…when there WILL be a vigil outside and a pack-the-courtroom action. The rally was always intended to remember many more Black lives that have been lost at the hands of racist, fearful and trigger-happy police – both in Georgia and nationwide. The group gathered in downtown Decatur across from Dekalb County’s governmental offices, held a rally there, marched around downtown Decatur and ended at the Dekalb County Courthouse for another rally. – Lorraine Fontana.
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