Feb. MADSA Meeting: Ways to Get Involved

MADSA general membership meetings combine information and discussion about current issues; decisions that strengthen our organization; and a chance to get to know old and new members. We welcome non-member friends as well.
February’s meeting opened with a presentation about the struggle of Delta Airline workers to win their right to a union that can bring them respect and fair treatment on the job, and an invitation to support them at actions the following day.
Decisions – We tabled a vote on a proposal for food and transit subsidies at meetings to encourage people with limited resources to attend, for lack of a quorum of dues-paying members. This had been presented at the January meeting but tabled to February for lack of time. Also, a candidate stepped forward to be our third grievance officer; a formal vote will take place at the March meeting. The newly appointed Membership Committee will work on turnout.
Officer positions – Gregory McKelvey, an at-large officer, volunteered to take the position of membership secretary, so the executive committee appointed him to fill out the remainder of Lisa’s term. We need to select a third at-large officer. If you are a dues-paying member and would like to be considered, please contact the officers at executive@madsa.ga.
Knoxville report – Jen Garcia, Tedwood Strong and Q reported on our experience at the Southeastern DSA pre-convention conference. (Check this blog for a report by Barbara Joye.)
Committees and working groups – New administrative committees were announced, to conduct some of the business the officers have been handling. Committees will have a more formal structure than working groups, which are issue- and action- oriented. Following presentations on each committee and working group, volunteers signed up to participate and each of those groups met to arrange their next meetings. NOTE: Many new people not yet members volunteered for all the committees and groups and were welcomed, but will be asked to join DSA.
The officers will appoint two co-chairs for each committee; working groups can decide their own leadership. Committee and working group descriptions are posted under Our Work at the top of this page, together with forms to make signing up easy. If you would like to be a committee co-chair, please indicate that on the form so the officers can consider you. There’s lots of work to do, and we try to have fun and make friends while doing it. All hands on deck!
Committee contacts and chairs so far:
Digital – Evan Seed contact.
Fundraising – Speck Kevin Pratt co-chair, need second.
Membership – Lisa Ashway and Gregory McElvey co-chairs.
Communications – Q contact.
Resolutions and Voting – Jen Garcia contact.
Outreach and Coalitions – Gregory McElvey co-chair, need second.
Electoral – José Perez co-chair, need second.