MADSA Members for Working Class Solidarity

As socialists, we support efforts by the working class to organize against the power of our bosses. In fact, DSA’s 2017 national convention declared labor organizing one of our priorities. It’s not always easy for those of us with day jobs or full-time school schedules to join a labor action, but here are two recent examples and an upcoming chance to celebrate the struggle for workers’ rights:
Farm workers — Eric Robertson was invited to represent MADSA by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers at their rally and picket line in front of Wendy’s on Ponce DeLeon Ave. March 11 (see photo, above). The CIW is calling on Wendy’s to join other major retailers in signing on to their Fair Food program that guarantees farm workers better pay, safe working conditions and protection from sexual harassment on the job. MADSA members have supported the CIW during past tours in behalf of basic rights for farm workers. See
CWA — AT&T continued to lay off employees after promising to add 7,000 hard-hat jobs after the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed. The company earned record profits in 2018. AT&T had also promised that their employees would see a salary increase of $4,000 anually, but again, the company gave them only a one-time payment of $1,000. On April 15, Communication Workers of America (CWA) members picketed and rallied to bring attention and awareness to these broken promises, and they are asking our representatives to call AT&T CEO Randall Lynn Stephenson before Congress to answer for his actions. Some of us were honored to join the picket line in solidarity. (MADSA holds its monthly general meetings at the CWA local 3204’s hall.)
UPCOMING: May Day picnic — Here’s a chance to meet comrades from local organizations that support workers’ rights, at a May Day potluck sponsored by the Industrial Workers of the World and Food Not Bombs. MADSA is among several organizations signing on to co-host. Hear from the host groups about their work and celebrate International Workers’ Day (yeah, that’s what May Day is supposed to be!). Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM in the picnic area of Candler Park, 1500 McLendon Ave NE, Atlanta. (Vegan and halal food will be available.)
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