This reading series has concluded.
The readings are archived in Weekly Packets linked below.
- Audiobooks and additional materials are also linked.
- A summary list of texts appears at the bottom of this page.
Weekly Packets
Sep. 7. Lenin (A): Does a revolution need theory?
- Reading Packet (Week 1): What is to Be Done by Lenin (Skip Ch. 5) approx. 5 hours
- What Is to Be Done Audiobook
Sep. 14. Kautsky: What is capitalism? What is Marxism?
- Reading Packet (Week 2): The Class Struggle by Karl Kautsky approx. 6 hours
- “The Class Struggle (Erfurt Program)” Audiobook
- Slideshow: From The Internationals to DSA
- “The Class Struggle Adapted for the New York People” Audiobook and PDF: IWW co-founder Daniel De Leon’s translation of Kautsky
Sep. 17. In-person meeting
- Location: The Terrace at GSU’s Library North (100 Decatur St. SE, 2nd floor)
Sep. 21. The Labor Theory of Value: Does labor create value?
- Reading Packet (Week 3): The Wealth of Nations (Book 1: Chapters 6, 8, 9; Book 3: Chapter 3) by Adam Smith, What is the Third Estate? by Sieyes approx. 2.5 hours
- “The Wealth of Nations” Audiobook
Sep. 28. Political vs Civil Society: Would Hamilton oppose Cop City?
- Reading Packet (Week 4): “The Federalist Papers (No. 8)” by Alexander Hamilton, “The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns” by Constant approx. 1 hour
- “Federalist Papers (No. 8)” Audiobook
- “Liberty of the Ancients” Audiobook
Sep. 30. In-person meeting
- Location: The Terrace at GSU’s Library North (100 Decatur St. SE, 2nd floor)
Oct. 5. Marx and Engels: What is the nature of the capitalist state?
- Reading Packet (Week 5): 18th Brumaire (Chapter 1 and 7 only) by Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program (part 4 only) by Marx, Critique of the Erfurt Program by Engels, Parti Ouvrier program by Marx and Guesde approx. 2 hours
- Historical background: The Second French Republic
- “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Audiobook”
- “Critique of the Gotha Program” Audiobook
Oct. 12. Luxemburg (A): Should we try to reform the capitalist state?
- Reading Packet (Week 6): Reform or Revolution by Rosa approx. 3 hours
- “Reform or Revolution” Audiobook
Oct. 14-15. Atlanta Pride
Oct. 19. Michels (A): Why did the largest Marxist party of all time fail?
- Reading Packet (Week 7): Political Parties (part 1 and 2) by Michels approx. 6 hours
- The Iron Law of Oligarchy (video explainer)
- “Political Parties” Audiobook
Oct. 26. Michels (B): What is the purpose of a party?
- Reading Packet (Week 8): Political Parties (parts 3 to 6) by Michels approx. 6 hours
- The Iron Law of Oligarchy
Oct. 28-29. Halloween Weekend
Nov. 2. Luxemburg (B): What is a revolution?
- Reading Packet (Week 9): The Mass Strike by Rosa approx. 3 hours
- “Mass Strike” AI Audio Book
Nov. 9. Special Presentation: History of white supremacy in Georgia
Nov. 16. Chapter Social
Nov. 23. Thanksgiving
Nov. 30. Lenin (B): What is a workers’ government?
- Reading Packet (Week 10): The State and Revolution by Lenin approx. 5 hours
- “The State and Revolution” Audiobook
Dec. 7. Macnair: What do we make of the socialist revolutions of the 20th century?
- Reading Packet (Week 11): Revolutionary Strategy, Chapters 1 and 5
- “Revolutionary Strategy” Audiobook
- Optional: Ralph Miliband, Marxism and Politics, Chapter 6 (pp. 154-190)
Dec. 14. Trotskyism: What is Lenin’s legacy?
- Reading Packet (Week 12): Lenin and the Vanguard Party by C.L.R. James, and Lenin and the Vanguard Party (Toward the Communist International) by Joseph Seymour approx. 30 min
- C.L.R. James Audiobook
Readings from Prior Years
- This Supplement to the Revolutionary Theory Reader collects selected texts from Atlanta DSA reading groups in prior years.
- It includes:
- “Liberalism, Ultra-Leftism or Mass Action” by Peter Camejo
- “Anatomy of the Micro-Sect” by Hal Draper
- “The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework” by Angela Davis
- “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein
- “On Authority” by Friedrich Engels
- “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” by Jo Freeman
- “Introduction to Mutual Aid” by Andrej Grubacic and David Graeber
- “I Am Your Sister” by Audre Lorde
- Excerpt from Marxism and Politics by Ralph Miliband
- Reading Packet (Week 1): What is to Be Done by Lenin
- Reading Packet (Week 2): The Class Struggle by Kautsky
- Reading Packet (Week 3): Excerpt from The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, “What is the Third Estate?” by the Abbé Sieyès
- Reading Packet (Week 4): “The Federalist Papers (No. 8)” by Alexander Hamilton, “The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns” by Benjamin Constant
- Reading Packet (Week 5): Excerpts from 18th Brumaire by Marx and “Critique of the Gotha Program” (part 4 only)” by Marx, “Critique of the Erfurt Program” by Engels, Parti Ouvrier program by Marx and Guesde
- Reading Packet (Week 6): Reform or Revolution by Rosa
- Reading Packet (Week 7): Political Parties (part 1 and 2) by Michels
- Reading Packet (Week 8): Political Parties (parts 3 to 6) by Michels
- Reading Packet (Week 9): The Mass Strike by Rosa
- Reading Packet (Week 10): The State and Revolution by Lenin
- Reading Packet (Week 11): Revolutionary Strategy by Macnair, Chapters 1 and 5
- Reading Packet (Week 12): “Lenin and the Vanguard Party” by C.L.R. James, “Lenin and the Vanguard Party (Toward the Communist International)” by Seymour
- Supplement:
- “Liberalism, Ultra-Leftism or Mass Action” by Peter Camejo
- “Anatomy of the Micro-Sect” by Hal Draper
- “The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework” by Angela Davis
- “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein
- “On Authority” by Friedrich Engels
- “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” by Jo Freeman
- “Introduction to Mutual Aid” by Andrej Grubacic and David Graeber
- “I Am Your Sister” by Audre Lorde
- Excerpt from Marxism and Politics by Ralph Miliband
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